A moving Trillium (Mount Hood National Forest)


A moving Trillium (Mount Hood National Forest)

from $90.00

As I drove from Lincoln City, Oregon mid summer towards Mount Hood it went from mostly sunny to overcast. Sunset at the beautiful Trillium lake was a total bust as clouds enshrouded Hood like dark thoughts on a rainy day. I had to make a choice: Continue onto Rainier National Park, my main destination on the way home, or find a place to car crash. I opted to stay. I slept fitfully that night for about three hours and getting out of my car bed in the small campsite I found was a hard task. But as I pulled up to the lake I could see Hood was uncovered!

I set my composition up but just couldn’t seem to properly capture the beauty of the scene before me. Then I had an idea! You see the incredible yellow clouds were moving low and fast across the face of Hood. I pulled my 10 stop ND filter out of my camera backpack, waited for the right time when Hood was in view, and did a 30 second exposure. This image is the result. A moving Trillium. I cropped a small bit off of the top and bottom of the image making the sizing a bit different for this one as that is how the scene stands out the best in my artistic opinion.

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