Diana special sized fine art panorama (Scotchman Peak, Idaho)


Diana special sized fine art panorama (Scotchman Peak, Idaho)

from $180.00

Be sure to click on the image to see it in full. This is a special sized massive panorama on aluminum printed through a high end print company. It stands out in an exceptional way and really provides that “wow factor”! Shipping is already included in the price so no surprises at checkout.

Here is the amazing story to this image, written just days after it happened

I encourage you to read these paragraphs before delving into the photo. It is best understood with the story behind it. When you to look at the photo you must view full screen to truly see the beauty. It took 9 photos stitched together to capture the size of the scene in front of me.

It was an off day for me, this last Sunday. (June 2020) I got up late and barely made it to church after missing all the worship. I went home and layed back down for a while stewing about life in my head. At this point it occured to me I needed to get outside and do something even though my legs were still sore from the workouts that week. Scotchman peak is what came to my mind suddenly as I was packing my hiking gear and camera equipment. Weather looked cloudy but not horrible. The closer I got to the trail the more it rained but I didn't turn around. Right before reaching the trailhead the rain stopped! It was cool and cloudy and people were leaving as I headed up. Getting a 4:45 PM start on a 7.6 mile out and back trail with almost 4,000 vertical feet to climb is not ideal to most people but I thrive on a challenge and love the lack of people during the evening. I was the only one going up!

During my drive there I began to think of how the last time I did this hike was with my nana over ten years ago. She almost made it to the top with me but I continued alone the last half mile. The second anniversary of her death was only four days away. Last year, exactly a year after she passed I was greeted with an amazing sunset that lasted a good thirty minutes. The sunset was fitting to the poem I wrote for her the night before she passed.

I passed the last person coming down the mountain and was all alone with the mountain goats the last mile of the hike. Near the top the sun began coming out, hitting the peaks along lake Pend Orielle. I could see golden light in front of me but could not find the source beings the light was behind the peak I was almost up. I made it!! The sun had 20 minutes to set and over the border in Montana a rain shower was turning golden from the horizontal rays. Soon the rain came around me and was directly in front of me, at one point I felt a couple small drops but that was it. I was dry with the sky in front of me raining a golden serenade. The golden rays mixed with the rain was something out of this world. I called my girlfriend and family on video messenger and showed them. After a few minutes the sun set and the golden rays turned to pink and maroon clouds followed by pink rain pouring down. I was to tears, I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. A true surreal experience. It continued on for 10 minutes before dissipating to a more normal golden-red sunset over the Selkirks. God spoke to me, and on the way down in the dark He spoke to me more. It wasn't until the next couple of days did I began to think of the significance of these events related to my nana.

This post is in remembrance of her and acknowledgment of my father God.

Today is the anniversary of her death. Here is the poem I wrote on July 1st 2018, the day before her passing

She waits by the night

She waits by the night

Sunset set

Darkness left

We wait on the dawn

We wait on the dawn

Sunset set

Darkness left

She looks to the light

She looks to the light

Sunrise met

Darkness forever left

We wait by the night

We wait by the night

Sunset set

Grandma's left

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