Light up the Sky! (Aurora over Lake Pend Oreille and the Clark Fork Valley)
Light up the Sky! (Aurora over Lake Pend Oreille and the Clark Fork Valley)
What an exceptional night! From the sunset to the Auora I was blessed with some of the most beautiful moments of my life. God really did decide to write this one for the books, and I was there to capture it.
In this eight shot panorama the greens frame the Idaho Cabinet Mountains perfectly as both sides are guided by reds and purples. This panorama is around 180 degrees of view and the detail is good! Starting from left there is the moon setting above Schweitzer Mountain, then the islands and town of Hope. Center to right is one of my very favorite mountain ranges, the Cabinents and you can actually see the top of a snowcapped Scotchman peak in this. Finally to the far right you have the sleepy town of Clark Fork and the beautiful Clark Fork River where I have spent many days camping along its banks.
This is an odd sized panorama meaning I had to go all the way down to half inches in sizes to make sure I don’t crop much off for you in the final print.